Chickpea vegan yogurt

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Have you ever wondered you can make a delicious and protein-rich yogurt from chickpeas?

You need only 1 ingredient, it’s easy and doesn’t contain soy, nuts and expensive probiotics.


1 cup of dry chickpeas (not canned!)

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Soak 1 cup of dry chickpea overnight in 1 lt of cold water.

After 8-12 hr save half glass of the water (this will be your starter). If you have a previous batch of chickpea yogurt, you can use some of the water in the yogurt (2 Tbsp).

Drain and wash the chickpeas.

Blend the chickpeas with fresh water (1 cup of chickpeas + 4 cups of water) until you form a creamy paste.

Now you need to “milk” your chickpeas. Pour your blended chickpeas into a fine cloth and squeeze the milk out. You can use the okara to make a soup, or biscuits or falafels. To make the yogurt you will only need the milk.

Pour the milk in a saucepan and keep stirring on low heat until creamy. You can add sweeteners/sugar/syrup at this point or fruit. At this point you can use the cream as a substitute for custard. But let’s make the yogurt!

Let the cream cool down at room temperature.

Now you can add the starter (2Tbsp of soaking water or the water from previous yogurt). Stir well. Don’t use a metal spoon or a metal container.

Now it’s when the magic happens! You need to incubate at 40C for at least 6-8 hrs (or use a yoghurt-maker).

The chickpea flavour disappears.

I enjoyed my chickpea yogurt with strawberry compote or fresh fruits and seeds.

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